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I will be a geriatrician!

YGI Blogger1

Contributor: Lylia Zelentsova

Origin/affiliation: Orenburg State Medical University, Russia

Young Researchers of Aging Society, Russian Gerontology Centre

Today I am an ordinary medical student and I realized that I am very interested in gerontology and geriatrics. A strange choice for a young man, you think? Not at all. Geriatrics is now an actively developing field of knowledge, full of innovations, fresh ideas and discoveries. Just imagine, it aims to help all humanity to live longer! According to experts, by 2030 in economically developed countries, 1/5 of the total population will be over 60 years old. Geriatrics is designed to maximize the quality and life expectancy of this population group. In addition, taking care of your health begins at a young age, measures to keep your body in good shape are generally useful, they can be applied and advised to be applied to all groups of the population. The challenges in functional status of older people, their mental and psychological health require special attention and advanced study. Resolved: I will be a geriatrician!

The decision to become a geriatrician must not only be accepted, but also implemented. In Russia, the geriatrics service includes government and public organizations. State organizations headed by the Ministry of Health provide outpatient care and inpatient care. In addition, all district, family, workshop doctors and general practitioners receive basic knowledge of geriatrics. In order to become a geriatrician, upon graduating from the university, I will need to receive a residency education in the specialty of Gerontology and Geriatrics.

Only after completing the training course in geriatrics, one can apply for a PhD-position in this field. Postgraduate study lasts 3 years, during which I will carry out research work on a topic of interest to me and defend my thesis. All the results obtained are preliminary published and discussed with a wide range of scientists. After successful defense, I will be awarded the scientific degree of candidate of medical sciences. In our country, 2 scientific degrees are awarded: candidate and doctor of science. In order to obtain a doctoral degree, I will subsequently need to undergo doctoral studies and submit a thesis for defense. But this is a matter for the future. So, let’s go ahead! To new discoveries and new achievements!



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ECGI - is a Group of the EuGMS European Geriatric Medicine Society

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