Early-Career Geriatricians Initiative (ECGI)
Dear colleagues and friends,
During the autumn 2019 the EuGMS Executive Board decided to launch a new initiative to help younger geriatricians play a greater part in the life of EuGMS.
It is essential for a Society to have both younger and older members to ensure new initiatives and ideas and develop the skills and networks to sustain the successful future of EuGMS.
'Early career' refers to trainees, or those within 10 years of completing specialty training.
To get this established, the Executive Board decided to create a structure with the continuity needed to support this group – for the time being the General Secretary Anne Ekdahl – with strong backing from the administrative secretary Benedetta Bellotti and our web-director Sofia Duque.
Our aims are to
Help and support networking amongst younger geriatricians and create suitable opportunities for younger congress-participants from across Europe to meet and get to know each other
Ensure that the Boards of EuGMS hear the voice, concerns, and aspirations of younger colleagues
Get more younger attendees to the congresses
Support the EuGMS Social Media Group
In addition, with support from the EuGMS Special Interest Groups (SIGs) we hope to
Increase research activities done by younger geriatricians
Attract more younger geriatricians to join the EuGMS SIGs
Initiate a channel for senior support to young researchers
A Working Group dedicated to the ECGI Mapping of Early carreer Geriatricians societies across Europe - Find more
A Working Group dedicated to the ECGI Paper on "Experiences of Early carreer Geriatricians during the COVID-19 pandemic" - Find more
A Working Group dedicated to the ECGI Reporters
A Working Group dedicated to the ECGI Vlogs (short video interviews to senior geriatricians) - Find more
a new category for abstracts from Early-Career Geriatricians for the EuGMS 2021 Athens Congress where a live session was held during the EuGMS 2021 Athens Congress to be able to give The Stefania Maggi Prize for best abstracts of in this category
mong the 68 submissions the following three was chosen:
Eveline van Poelgeest
Clinical Reviews Series: To Treat Or Not To Treat: Drug Versus Disease Related Fall Risk.
Christian Myrstad
Mid-life Hearing Impairment As Risk Factor For Dementia In People Aged ≥70 Years. A Population-Based Prospective Cohort Study: The HUNT Study, Norway
October, 2021
Prof. Anne W. Ekdahl
General Secretary of the EuGMS
Coordinator of the Early Careers Geriatricians Initiative Group
SURVEY on Covid-19 for early carreer geriatricians
BLOG to invite early carreer geriatricians to contribute pieces over the next year
A live session during the EuGMS e-Congress 2020 the Group organised a live session focusing on "Experiences of Early carreer Geriatricians during the COVID-19 pandemic".
Next Steps
Activate a platform for younger geriatricians to start building relationships across the World.
Discuss with the EuGMS boards the possibility to create special grants, based for example on their good abstracts, for younger EuGMS members to be funded to attend other society’s congresses as reporters for EuGMS, providing feedback to the wider membership through the website and social media.
We hope that this initiative will create an inclusive and creative atmosphere for the Society and that this will support the development of new generations of leaders to grow geriatric medicine, clinically and academically.
August, 2020
Prof. Anne W. Ekdahl
General Secretary of the EuGMS
Coordinator of the Early-Career Geriatricians Group